How to import on-premises ORACLE data to ORACLE RDS, few simple steps!!

Importing data to ORACLE RDS will be a complex job if you are doing it for the first time. You can follow the below simple steps to do that.

  • Create an ORACLE RDS DB instance from AWS management console
  • Go to your source database and create a DBlink as below
    create database link UR_DB_LINK_NAME connect to UR_RDS_USER_ID identified by UR_RDS_PASSWORD
  • Connect to your local ORACLE DB using Oracle SQL Developer
  • Click on View menu –> DBA to view the DBA portion to use data pump
  • Connect with your source DB with a DBA user
  • Expand the data connection –> right click on Export Job and Click on Data pump export wizard
  • Select the Tablespaces you want to export and export that to a .dmp file
  • Transfer the .dmp file to your RDS by using the below script. Run this script from your source DB’s SQL window

source_directory_object => ‘UR_SOURCE_DIRECTORY‘,
source_file_name => ‘UR_EXPORT_FILE_NAME.dmp’,
destination_directory_object => ‘DATA_PUMP_DIR’,
destination_file_name => ‘UR_IMPORT_FILE_NAME.dmp’,
destination_database => ‘UR_DB_LINK_NAME

  • It will take some time to export this to RDS – based on your file size and network speed
  • After successful transfer, connect with the RDS from Oracle SQL developer
  • Add the DBA connection with RDS to initiate data pump wizard
  • A tricky part – create tablespace in your RDS with the same name as it was before. It will help you to automatically export those schema, otherwise you will need some manual work map exported tables to you existing RDS tablespace. Use the below script to create those tablespaces:


  • Use the Data pump import wizard and select the file which you have imported earlier
  • Your RDS is ready for service!!

Unable to connect to AWS -RDS from SQL Server Management Studio

After promoting RDS instance this is a common problem that you are not being able to access your DB instance. To resolve this issue follow the below steps.

  1. Go to your AWS console –
  2. From Services click on RDC
  3. Select the instance that you have created and note the security groups name
  4. From services click on VPC
  5. Go to Security Groups
  6. Select the security group that you have noted earlier
  7. Click on Inbound rules
  8. Click on Edit button
  9. Add MSSQL port and source network address (from where you want to connect)
  10. Click save
  11. Now try to connect from your computer, it should work